Red Black & White

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

We're getting this parenting thing down!!

So glad Christmas is over!!  The holidays were crazy!!  Especially with a new baby!!  For the most part, Callen is in a really good routine, and by routine I mean he sleeps at night!!  He hardly ever wakes up in the middle of the night...maybe once in a while to eat.  We've started putting 1 tablespoon of cereal in a bottle of breast milk before bed and he sleeps like a rock!!  Sometimes we need to wake him up in the morning!

Since my bonding time with Callen is nursing, Brian's bonding time is bath time.  This means "NO MOMMY AROUND AT ALL!" (unless Daddy calls me to bring him a towel or something!  :)  Max is allowed to be around during bath time though.

Callen just turned 4 months old this past Sunday and man is he aware of his surroundings!  He loves to be upright, looking around.  We have a Bumbo chair with an activity ring around the entire seat, so he likes to sit in that and play.

I'm not sure if I posted the 3 month pic & it's hilarious, so here are both of them!  He's getting so big!!  He's turning more into a little person everyday!!