Red Black & White

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

It's almost 2015!

Where'd the year go???  It's almost 2015!  I'm pretty horrible at this whole blogging thing, but it's ok!  Maybe eventually I will find the time to keep track of it a little more!  :P  I'm in the process of trying to get the house cleaned up!

Callen's first Christmas wasn't anything spectacular.  He's a baby, so it wasn't too big of a deal.  I have a lot of memories to show him when he's older.

Friday, December 19, 2014

It's Friday!!!

It's almost the weekend!!  Which doesn't mean anything to me!  lol  I will just find more things that I need to get done!  We finally went grocery shopping last night!  We actually have some healthy food to eat now!!  :P  I needed to go to Target last night to get Christmas gifts for Callen's teachers at the daycare.  I really needed to clean the house.  I got some of it cleaned up.  :)  So I feel a little bit better now...not as stressed out!

Callen has been eating so much lately!  I only have a few bags left in the freezer at this point, so I need to get on it & pump a few more times each day!  He's been doing really well with the rice cereal.  He's been sleeping so well that we have to wake him up sometimes!  :)

Brian's knee is still injured.  :(  He won't be working out for a while.  He can hardly move around and do anything at home or work.  Hopefully he gets better soon!

I need to go get ready for work now.  Hopefully I will get a chance to take some more pictures of my squid...he's getting so big!!  :(

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Still busy!!

It's been almost 2 weeks!  Sorry you guys!!  :(  Work has been busy, Callen's kept me busy & we're trying to get Christmas stuff together!

This weekend I left Callen overnight for the first time ever.  I wasn't gone the entire weekend, just for Friday night.  I was more worried about myself than I was Callen or Brian.  I was afraid I was going to be a bum and cry the entire time I was gone, but I managed to have a good time!  Had fun with the girls!  We're excited that Jayme is getting married soon!

We tried to get Callen in for pictures with Santa at Bass Pro Shop, but the wait was too long!  We're going to have to go another time and get in line as soon as they open.  We did have good lunch!  After leaving Bass Pro, it was dark enough for the Christmas Nights of Lights in Mobile.  It was pretty awesome!  I wanted Callen to be able to watch the light show, but he was sleeping!

Callen hit a milestone, I guess you can say.  We started him with a little bit of rice cereal before bed.  He loved it & slept from 9:00 to 6:30 last night!  We'll see if we have the same kind of luck tonight.

Brian hurt his knee while doing Strongman yesterday morning.  He is hobbling around on crutches.  He is going to get in to see Dr. Turnage as soon as he can.  It's not the knee he had surgery on, so hopefully it's not bad.  I don't want him to have two bad knees!  :(

Callen & I went over to my mom's.  We started to do some baking.  We didn't do a whole lot tonight, but I do have two tins full of cookies for Callen's teachers at daycare.  :)  Hopefully we get more baking done this week.  We'll see how everything works out.

That's all the updating I will be able to get done at the moment.  Someone is hungry!!  :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS!!! I'm beginning to think this is just going to be a weekly thing because by the time I get home & get settled down it's already 7:30!  :P

Callen is napping at the moment, which is so wonderful because he was a bit cranky ever since we left daycare.  :(  I have a load of laundry in the washer...YAY for clean clothes!!  Dinner just came out of the oven & Brian just left work.  I think after dinner we will make a pot of coffee, get some Christmas ice cream & watch a Christmas movie!!

Here are a few pictures from yesterday after we decorated our Christmas tree.

We also tried to get a few shots at the mall with Christmas scenery for our Christmas cards, but here are some more really cute pictures of Callen in some of his Christmas clothes.                                             

Hopefully Mom & I will be making Christmas cookies soon!!  I can't wait!!  Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year!!  I'm so glad I have an awesome husband and kiddo to enjoy it with!  The rest of the family is pretty awesome too!!  :P