Red Black & White

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Still busy!!

It's been almost 2 weeks!  Sorry you guys!!  :(  Work has been busy, Callen's kept me busy & we're trying to get Christmas stuff together!

This weekend I left Callen overnight for the first time ever.  I wasn't gone the entire weekend, just for Friday night.  I was more worried about myself than I was Callen or Brian.  I was afraid I was going to be a bum and cry the entire time I was gone, but I managed to have a good time!  Had fun with the girls!  We're excited that Jayme is getting married soon!

We tried to get Callen in for pictures with Santa at Bass Pro Shop, but the wait was too long!  We're going to have to go another time and get in line as soon as they open.  We did have good lunch!  After leaving Bass Pro, it was dark enough for the Christmas Nights of Lights in Mobile.  It was pretty awesome!  I wanted Callen to be able to watch the light show, but he was sleeping!

Callen hit a milestone, I guess you can say.  We started him with a little bit of rice cereal before bed.  He loved it & slept from 9:00 to 6:30 last night!  We'll see if we have the same kind of luck tonight.

Brian hurt his knee while doing Strongman yesterday morning.  He is hobbling around on crutches.  He is going to get in to see Dr. Turnage as soon as he can.  It's not the knee he had surgery on, so hopefully it's not bad.  I don't want him to have two bad knees!  :(

Callen & I went over to my mom's.  We started to do some baking.  We didn't do a whole lot tonight, but I do have two tins full of cookies for Callen's teachers at daycare.  :)  Hopefully we get more baking done this week.  We'll see how everything works out.

That's all the updating I will be able to get done at the moment.  Someone is hungry!!  :)

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