Red Black & White

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS!!! I'm beginning to think this is just going to be a weekly thing because by the time I get home & get settled down it's already 7:30!  :P

Callen is napping at the moment, which is so wonderful because he was a bit cranky ever since we left daycare.  :(  I have a load of laundry in the washer...YAY for clean clothes!!  Dinner just came out of the oven & Brian just left work.  I think after dinner we will make a pot of coffee, get some Christmas ice cream & watch a Christmas movie!!

Here are a few pictures from yesterday after we decorated our Christmas tree.

We also tried to get a few shots at the mall with Christmas scenery for our Christmas cards, but here are some more really cute pictures of Callen in some of his Christmas clothes.                                             

Hopefully Mom & I will be making Christmas cookies soon!!  I can't wait!!  Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year!!  I'm so glad I have an awesome husband and kiddo to enjoy it with!  The rest of the family is pretty awesome too!!  :P

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