Red Black & White

Friday, December 19, 2014

It's Friday!!!

It's almost the weekend!!  Which doesn't mean anything to me!  lol  I will just find more things that I need to get done!  We finally went grocery shopping last night!  We actually have some healthy food to eat now!!  :P  I needed to go to Target last night to get Christmas gifts for Callen's teachers at the daycare.  I really needed to clean the house.  I got some of it cleaned up.  :)  So I feel a little bit better now...not as stressed out!

Callen has been eating so much lately!  I only have a few bags left in the freezer at this point, so I need to get on it & pump a few more times each day!  He's been doing really well with the rice cereal.  He's been sleeping so well that we have to wake him up sometimes!  :)

Brian's knee is still injured.  :(  He won't be working out for a while.  He can hardly move around and do anything at home or work.  Hopefully he gets better soon!

I need to go get ready for work now.  Hopefully I will get a chance to take some more pictures of my squid...he's getting so big!!  :(

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