Red Black & White

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Getting ready for Thanksgiving!!

Here's my little turkey!!

We're having Thanksgiving at our house this year, which is very exciting!!!  It will be Callen's first Thanksgiving!!!

I love that I am going to be getting art projects for the fridge now!!  :D  Although I did freak out this morning when we were getting Callen ready for his bath!  I couldn't figure out how he got dirt under his toenails!  Later in the day I realized it was the brown paint from the art project!  lol

This past weekend, Callen went to his first birthday party!  It was a Samantha's 6th birthday and it was a girl party, but he went!  It made me thankful that I have a little boy!!  Little girls go nuts over Frozen!!!

Lately Callen has been watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Netflix in the morning.  There is only 1 episode on Netflix, so Brian and I are getting kind of tired of it, but Callen loves it!  He starts waving his arms up and down when they sing the "Hot Dog" song (when we don't have him in his "Taco Shell").

Other than that, we've just been trying to get into a routine!  It's more regular than it used to be, but it's still not rock solid!

Check back for more pictures of my little turkey from his first Thanksgiving!!  :D

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