Red Black & White

Monday, November 3, 2014

Been Busy!!!

We had a pretty busy weekend!  We went to Kelley and Jason's on Halloween to visit & all of the ladies loved on Callen a bit...even Uncle Sean held Callen for a few minutes!  :)

Then on Saturday I started freaking out because Callen started coughing and sounded congested.  Brian & I took him to Pensacola Pediatrics over by Cordova Mall.  The doctor who was there wasn't Callen's regular doctor and said he was fine.  I wasn't convinced he was fine and decided to get a humidifier and just wait until Monday when he sees Dr. Foland.  Here's Callen showing off at the doctor's!

On Sunday we didn't go to church since Callen's breathing was still sounding congested and then Brian didn't feel good.  So I had 2 "sick" babies to take care of.  At least Max was still himself!  He loved his new Moose toy that we bought him!

Then today was my first day back to work!  I dropped Callen off at daycare with Ms. Sherry & did not even cry!!  Callen was ready to go this morning!

I picked Callen up at 12:15 for his doctor's appointment at 1:00.  Ms. Bonnie said that Ms. Sherry was carrying Callen around, showing him off all morning!  :D  Ms. Sherry said that he had a good first day and they were very impressed with how well he could hold his head up and how vocal he was!  

Callen was excited to see Dr. Foland.  He likes her a lot!!  He's also grown a lot!  He weighs 10 pounds, 12.6 ounces and is 22 1/2 inches long.  

He got his vaccinations done today.  He didn't like that too much but he was ok after a few minutes.  Our next appointment is our 4 month check up in January!  :D

After we left Dr. Foland's office, we stopped at Advanced Women's Care to see Brandy and pick up the Ohio State Scentsy warmer I ordered!  :D  Now we are home, Callen's napping, Brian is napping & I am going to go take a nap as well in a few minutes!!  :)

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