Red Black & White

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Busy, busy, busy week!!

We've had a very busy week!!  Last Monday was my first day back to work in 2 months.  Callen went to daycare.  Everyone said I was going to cry like a baby.  Surprisingly, I did no such thing!  I walked in, put him down, said "See you later dude!" and he just looked at me like "Whatever."  I came back to get him at noon because he had a doctors appointment, so that probably helped, but I did not cry at all!  Yay for me!!  :P

Callen is 2 months old now!!  I can't believe it!!  Time is flying by!!

Callen really seems to like daycare.  His teachers, Ms. Sherry & Ms. Jessica, are really nice and they like to spoil him!  :D  They take really good care of him too!  He gets "Tummy Time" while he's there, which is really good because we don't do it at home as much as I'd like to.

I've also been working a little more than a regular day because we are short one person on our team at work a little earlier than we expected.  But Christmas is right around the corner, so the extra money will help a lot!!  :)

Callen is getting so big!!  Brian took him out Christmas shopping with him today.  :)  I received a text with a picture of Callen being changed in the family bathroom at the mall.  I hope they're having a great day!

Callen really enjoys watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Brian is such an awesome father, that he turns on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on his phone for Callen to watch it while they sit in the bed.  :)

& he fell asleep!

He loves bedtime!!  He knows he gets a clean diaper, jammies & lotion!!  :)

He is sleeping like a champ too!!  I usually get 6-8 hours of sleep each night!  & when he does wake up, it's usually around the same time every night.  Our kid is awesome!  :P

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