Red Black & White

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Busy, busy, busy!!

So I was thinking about how blogging is supposed to be more of a regular thing & how I'm not being very regular about it right now!  I hope everyone understands!  lol  It's been pretty busy lately!  We are pretty much in a routine now, but with Callen it can change at any moment!  Most nights he sleeps very well, waking up once to feed.  Sometimes he'll sleep from 8:00-7:00.  It just depends!

I've been working a few extra hours at work each week and trying to pump regularly to keep food for Callen on hand, so I have been a little more tired!  Everything is great & I wouldn't change it for the world!

Brian is being very helpful!  In fact, he is getting Callen as I type!  He met me at the grocery store last night so we could shop together.

I'll work on getting on here a little more, but I can't promise anything!!  We are busy!!  :D

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