Red Black & White

Thursday, October 30, 2014

8 weeks old today!!!

This sweet boy is 8 weeks old today!!  Time is flying by!!  :(

I have to go back to work on Monday.  I am ready but I'm not.  Who would want to leave this sweet face?!

We have a semi-busy day ahead!  I have therapy at 10:00 and then we are going to go over to see Tabitha & Garrett this afternoon for a walk.  Later we are heading to Nana's house to take the other bouncer chair we just bought so we have one at her house.  

Here's the face Callen made when I said "We are going to Nana's!"

Early morning photos!!


Cute little Thanksgiving outfit I found!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Happy Tuesday!!

We're off to a great start this morning!!  Callen fell asleep last night in his car seat on the way home from Suzie's house, so I just unbuckled him and put his car seat in the pack n play when we went to bed.  He slept until 3:30 this morning!!  Got him up, changed him, nursed him & had snuggle time for the next few hours.  Every time I would give him to Brian, I would get him back about 10-15 minutes later because he would be hungry again!  He ate three times between 3:30 & 8:00!  & when he would eat, he would sound like I haven't fed him in days!!  He would nurse for at least half an hour, sometimes a little longer.  He is sleeping in his bouncer right now.  :)

Since Callen is sleeping, I am getting a chance to straighten up a little and to update the blog.  I am working on getting all of the paper and mail organized/thrown away.  That is the bulk of what keeps our house looking crazy right now...all the junk mail on the table and counters!  I've also done the dishes and a little laundry.  I am going to work on getting the living room completely presentable next!  I also need to call Baptist and give them the new insurance information for the few medical bills we've received since Callen was born.

Here's a few pictures of my happy baby from this morning!!

And of course the sweet morning snuggle picture!  (Those are my favorite!!)

Monday, October 27, 2014

Great week ahead!!

It's my last week of maternity leave, so I am going to enjoy every second of it!!  I feel really accomplished today!  I took some of the supplies Callen will need up to Gonzalez Baptist Church for daycare.  He was able to meet his teachers, Ms. Sherry & Ms. Jessica.  I'm really excited that I found a place that is close to home and I know will take great care of Callen while Brian and I are at work.  :)

Callen and I also went to game night at Noonie's (Suzie).  We had Mexican for dinner and played Mario World on the Wii.  Then we came home and I realized that I was missing NCIS Los Angeles so Brian said we can watch it on when it gets there.  :)

Weekend fun!!

We had a pretty great weekend!  We didn't do much, but it was still pretty great!!

Saturday morning, Callen, my mom & I walked the Breast Cancer Walk around Cordova Mall.  It was a lot of fun & good exercise for us!!


We also visited Maw Maw & Paw Paw for a little while on Saturday.  Callen loves football!!!

We also we to our Life Group Social at Matthew and Kate's house.  We had stew and other goodies, watched football, & were going to carve pumpkins, but Brian, Callen & I left early because Callen was being a "Grumpkin"!  :)

Then we went to church Sunday morning and had a nice afternoon with Jamie and Ms. Jan.  

Callen & I went to bed around 9:30 yesterday and he woke up at 3:40 to nurse...then went back to sleep for a few hours.  :)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Getting things done!

Lucky for me Callen wanted to nap today!!  I have done the dishes and 3 loads of laundry!!  YAY!!  I also cooked a mid-morning snack/early lunch.  I think I am going to cook some chicken in a bit before I head to Target.  Brian wants me to get him a picture frame for his desk.  He wants to put a picture of Callen in it.  :D

I am trying to eat more because I don't want my milk supply to be skimpy.  Apparently several people have told me I need to eat more and I just don't remember this.  :/

Earlier, Callen had some tummy time on the couch next to me so he could work on building his neck muscles and such!  He's doing a great job!!  He's getting so strong!!

7 weeks old today!!

Someone is 7 weeks old today!!  Here are some silly pictures from this morning while we were chilling in the bed!

This was mid-sneeze!  :P

I can't believe he is already 7 weeks old!  :(  Time is flying by!!  In a little over a week he will be 2 months old and I will have to go back to work!  It's a sad, but good thing too.  I'm ready to get a normal routine down!  :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A visit to the Pumpkin Patch!!

This morning we got up early and went to the Pumpkin Patch out in Milton before Brian had to go to work.  We stayed for about an hour and got some fun pictures and pumpkins for carving this weekend at our October Life Group Social.  Here are the fun pictures!

Callen & I finished off the day with a trip to Nana's house for TV NIGHT!!!!  Callen loves his Nana!!!  He was only happy when she was right up in his face!  He's such a weird little being!!  <3

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Rough Night

I did not sleep much at all last night!  Callen would nurse, fall asleep & then wake up when I'd put him down or wake up because of some other noise.  He is a light sleeper!  He is finally sleeping now.  He put himself to sleep while we were in the bathroom.  I was showering while he was in his bouncer and while I was getting dressed he just went to sleep.  I laid down and napped for about 20 minutes.  I can't sleep much after I'm really up until it is the afternoon.  Hopefully he will want to sleep some more later!  :)

I have therapy today at 3:30.  We'll see how this goes.  : /  I also need to go grocery shopping and do some other things around the house but I don't know how much is going to get done.  I'm trying to get Callen into a good routine for when I go back to work and it seems to be going well.  He's been eating around the same times every day for the last week or so.  :)  I'm going to wake him up at 12:00 to nurse and then we are going to go run some errands.  :)

Monday, October 20, 2014

Busy week!!

We've had a busy, but fun week!!!  My Aunt Jenny and Grandma came to visit from Ohio.  Callen and I went over to my mom's house a few days in a row to visit.  & It worked out perfectly that the first day we went over there was the same day I had my 6 week check up with Jenny Allen so when Brian bathed Callen, he put his "I Love Jenny" onesie on him!

Callen couldn't decide if he wanted to call Aunt Jenny his "Great Aunt Mimi" or "Aunt Jenny The Great"!!

Callen also got to visit with his Great Grammy for the first time!  We are hopefully going to make it up to Ohio soon for him to meet his GREAT GREAT Grammy!  :)

Callen also had his picture taken in this baseball uniform that Great Grammy crocheted 30 years ago!  My cousin Jeremy wore this when he was little and my cousin Ashley's little man, Keith, wore it also.

Here's Callen sleeping so peacefully in his Rock 'N Sleep.  Normally he sleeps in his bouncer but this worked better this night!

Brian dressed Callen here.  This was Thursday, when he was 6 weeks old!!  :(  Time is flying!!  The good thing though was that my appointment went well with Jenny.  I don't have to come back to see her until next year for my annual or sooner if I get pregnant before then.  I would like to wait until Callen is a few months older so that I can enjoy him, but I would like to try for another baby soon so they aren't far apart in age.  For right now Jenny got me a prescription for birth control so we will just take it one day at a time and enjoy this little guy!!

This kid always has his fists clenched!!  He's gonna be a boxer!

On Saturday I was able to go see a good friend from high school at her baby shower!!  Loved seeing Charity Butler!!  & she is so cute pregnant!!  :)

Brian went to Escambia River to go scouting some for hunting.  I'm glad he likes it!

We went to visit Maw Maw & Paw Paw this morning!!  Callen was having a great time while Paw Paw made him laugh...he was giggling away!!  :D

Here are some of my favorites!!  He's getting chunky!!  I love it!!  :)

And here are some more pictures of Callen just because I think he is the cutest thing in the world and I can't stop taking pictures of him!!  I love him to pieces!!

Callen is sleeping right now.  He wouldn't stay asleep when I rocked him and then put him down so we took some stuff over to Kelly & Chris's house for the arrival of their little guy and went to Gulf Winds.  The car ride knocked him out!  So I figured I would update the blog!!  Hope everyone enjoys it!!  :D