Red Black & White

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Getting things done!

Lucky for me Callen wanted to nap today!!  I have done the dishes and 3 loads of laundry!!  YAY!!  I also cooked a mid-morning snack/early lunch.  I think I am going to cook some chicken in a bit before I head to Target.  Brian wants me to get him a picture frame for his desk.  He wants to put a picture of Callen in it.  :D

I am trying to eat more because I don't want my milk supply to be skimpy.  Apparently several people have told me I need to eat more and I just don't remember this.  :/

Earlier, Callen had some tummy time on the couch next to me so he could work on building his neck muscles and such!  He's doing a great job!!  He's getting so strong!!

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