Red Black & White

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Happy Tuesday!!

We're off to a great start this morning!!  Callen fell asleep last night in his car seat on the way home from Suzie's house, so I just unbuckled him and put his car seat in the pack n play when we went to bed.  He slept until 3:30 this morning!!  Got him up, changed him, nursed him & had snuggle time for the next few hours.  Every time I would give him to Brian, I would get him back about 10-15 minutes later because he would be hungry again!  He ate three times between 3:30 & 8:00!  & when he would eat, he would sound like I haven't fed him in days!!  He would nurse for at least half an hour, sometimes a little longer.  He is sleeping in his bouncer right now.  :)

Since Callen is sleeping, I am getting a chance to straighten up a little and to update the blog.  I am working on getting all of the paper and mail organized/thrown away.  That is the bulk of what keeps our house looking crazy right now...all the junk mail on the table and counters!  I've also done the dishes and a little laundry.  I am going to work on getting the living room completely presentable next!  I also need to call Baptist and give them the new insurance information for the few medical bills we've received since Callen was born.

Here's a few pictures of my happy baby from this morning!!

And of course the sweet morning snuggle picture!  (Those are my favorite!!)

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