Red Black & White

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Rough Night

I did not sleep much at all last night!  Callen would nurse, fall asleep & then wake up when I'd put him down or wake up because of some other noise.  He is a light sleeper!  He is finally sleeping now.  He put himself to sleep while we were in the bathroom.  I was showering while he was in his bouncer and while I was getting dressed he just went to sleep.  I laid down and napped for about 20 minutes.  I can't sleep much after I'm really up until it is the afternoon.  Hopefully he will want to sleep some more later!  :)

I have therapy today at 3:30.  We'll see how this goes.  : /  I also need to go grocery shopping and do some other things around the house but I don't know how much is going to get done.  I'm trying to get Callen into a good routine for when I go back to work and it seems to be going well.  He's been eating around the same times every day for the last week or so.  :)  I'm going to wake him up at 12:00 to nurse and then we are going to go run some errands.  :)

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