Red Black & White

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Busy & TIRED!!

It has been a busy & tiring last few days for our little family!  Brian started back to work on Monday.  I am trying to get a routine down for us.  I've been successful with the bedtime routine...bath, lotion, jammies & lately a story since we have a lot of books.

I did get to go get my hair done with Tina yesterday.  Callen was very good the whole time.  He sat in his carrier and giggled most of the time!  

Last night was a good night...Callen woke up one time at 1:45, nursed, went back to sleep until 5:45.  After that he went back to sleep again!  AND that was with him going down originally at 6:30! 

 Today has been kind of crazy though!  Erin came over and spent the morning with us!  That was great!  We also had our new furniture delivered and that looks great in the living room!!

Callen has been very hungry all day long!!  He nursed several times throughout the day and didn't spit up as much as he has been!  Last night freaked me out because he ate and started throwing up so violently, it came out of his nose!  I cried because I knew it didn't feel good and there wasn't really anything I could do about it!  :(

I've been trying to do stuff around the house today but Callen has been wanting to be held more than usual.  He is chilling out right now in his bouncer seat.  :)

He's been up most of the day so maybe he will sleep good again!!  We shall see!!  :)

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