Red Black & White

Monday, October 27, 2014

Great week ahead!!

It's my last week of maternity leave, so I am going to enjoy every second of it!!  I feel really accomplished today!  I took some of the supplies Callen will need up to Gonzalez Baptist Church for daycare.  He was able to meet his teachers, Ms. Sherry & Ms. Jessica.  I'm really excited that I found a place that is close to home and I know will take great care of Callen while Brian and I are at work.  :)

Callen and I also went to game night at Noonie's (Suzie).  We had Mexican for dinner and played Mario World on the Wii.  Then we came home and I realized that I was missing NCIS Los Angeles so Brian said we can watch it on when it gets there.  :)

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