Red Black & White

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Good morning!!

Callen woke up at 4:00 and then slept some more on my chest.  Around 8:15 I got up to this happy boy!!

He is so happy!!  :)

Love this little guy!!!  <3

Monday, September 29, 2014

Happy Monday!!

Happy Monday people!!  Today is National Coffee Day!!  We went to Dunkin' Donuts for some free coffee!!  Then we strolled around Gander Mountain for some exercise and went to Barnes and Nobles to get Callen some books!  While we were there I found a backpack for Callen since the daycare doesn't want diaper bags, just small backpacks.  So I asked Brian if he could stop at Hobby Lobby so I could find some letters to put Callen's name on it.  This was my project:

Callen also got "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" and "Peanut Butter & Cupcake" so we can read to him!  :D  Now to watch the NEW NCIS: Los Angeles!!  YAY!!!


I've started trying to put Callen down more and not hold him all the time.  It's hard but he's doing well with it for the most part.  Here he is just relaxing in his bouncer while I am on the couch!  :)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sleepy boy!

Callen is so cute when he sleeps!!!  I love it!!

Birthday Celebration!!

Sunday evening we had Keisha's birthday celebration.  Caty, Jayme & Keisha came over.  We had chicken and mashed potatoes for dinner.  Caty made a carrot bar cake and we were going to watch the Amazing Race.  We were not able to watch the Amazing Race so we watched a movie and they tried to get Callen to wake up to play with them.  He had been sleeping for a few hours but he did not want to get up!

Caty tried waking him up but he just kept going back to sleep!

Busy weekend!!

We've had a rather busy weekend!  Well...busy as in not having time to update the blog!  Friday we went and walked around the mall some so I could get out of the house and Brian could get a haircut.  That left us all exhausted!

Callen was knocked out for a good part of the night!  So we got some sleep.  :)

Saturday morning Brian's mom wanted to keep Callen for a little bit so she gave Brian and I some money to go to Cracker Barrel.  I didn't really want to go just because I didn't want to leave him.  I cried on the way to Cracker Barrel, ate super fast & was ready to get back to him as soon as we were finished!  I just wanted to hold my sweet boy!

He did sleep a lot Saturday during the day so....

I had a little night owl that stayed up and watched TV with me!  He did sleep some, but we were up a little before 5:00 this morning.  

Of course Callen is sleeping right now!  We went to life group this morning so that I could attempt to get back to normal life.  He was hungry right when we got in there so I fed him and he went to sleep.  He slept through the class and woke up at the end, so I changed him before I put him back in his seat to go home.  We just had Subway for lunch and he is still sleeping so I need to go pump and take a quick nap before he gets up.  Happy Sunday!!  :)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Guess who is 3 weeks old today????

This guy is!!!!

I can't believe it's been 3 weeks already since Callen was born.  I remember thinking about how I couldn't wait until he got here and how that was going to take FOREVER!!  Now he's here and he's already 3 weeks old!!  I wish time would just SLOW DOWN!!  :(

We had some pretty good sleep last night.  Callen woke up once to be changed and fed, then he went right back to sleep.  Those nights come and go.  Tonight will probably be a little crazier!  

After our lazy morning, Brian, Max, Callen & myself went for a walk around the neighborhood.  This was good because it helped me get out and feel a little better.  I'm still feeling very "not like myself" but hopefully it will soon pass!

Brian made chicken and rice for lunch.  He is now napping and we are going to head to his mom's in a little bit so he can help her with some yard work.  I am going to visit for a bit and then head over to Liz's parents' house for her baby shower.  Hopefully this will help get me out of my funk as well.  We'll see though!!  

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Pretty good night!

We had a pretty good night last night.  Callen slept for a good bit.  Woke up once to be changed and fed.  Brian found his new favorite onesie for Callen to wear.  :)

I went to Gonzalez Baptist Church today to get some paperwork finished for daycare since I received Callen's SSN.  All I need now is his birth certificate.  We are going to go for a walk in a bit.  It'll be good to get some fresh air.  I'm still feeling "blah" right now.  It did seem like it was getting better but now it seems to be the same as it was.  We'll see.  :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


It's Tuesday!!  Didn't get too much sleep last night.  It's different everyday!!  BUT, this wonderful face is what I have to look forward to each morning!

He is sleeping right now.  I am trying to get us onto a schedule and I know that is going to take time!  I'm going to try to keep track of when he eats and sleeps so that I can get an idea of what kind of schedule to get him on.  Any input is appreciated!!  :)

Brian is going to get the yard done today and I've done a little bit of laundry.  We are trying to get back into the swing of things!  I even had a cup of coffee this morning!!  I've been waiting months to break into this bag!!  :)

Brian just told me little man is up so I'm going to go check on him and I will try to be back on later!!  :)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Let the week begin!!

It's Monday!!  Lucky for me, Brian and I are both off!!  Callen slept for a good bit last night.  He went to bed about 7:30, woke up once to eat, then didn't get up again until 5:05 when we changed and fed him.  :D  While eating he proceeded to fall asleep and didn't get up again until almost 8:00!!

He just slept on my chest for another few hours!  It was great!!  All I could do was sit & stare at him.

I laid him down in his bouncer and fell asleep for a little while, only to have Brian wake me up with breakfast in bed!!  :)

While I ate, Brian sat with Callen on the couch in our room and played with him.  It was so sweet!!  Now we are up and ready to get the day going!  We need to straighten up the house a bit, but it's not too bad!  Aunt Caty, Aunt Erin, Uncle Kyle & Noonie are probably going to come over tonight for game night and dinner.  I believe we decided on tacos!!  YUM!!  :D

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Yay for sleep!!!

We had a pretty good night last night!  Callen woke up twice.  We changed him and fed him.  Dr. Bryson said he'd be fussy for the next 2 days but he's been fine.  He slept most of the day yesterday.  He's been up to be changed & fed a few times this morning, but Brian has been awesome & let me sleep some while he, Callen & Max watched CSI.

I'm going to venture across Hwy 29 today to do a little grocery shopping in a bit!  We don't need too much so I won't be gone long but we are out of lasagna (thank you friends who brought that for us!) and I don't want to eat out or eat pizza anymore.  I want my normal diet again!!  :P

I am really excited because the gift I ordered for Jenny Allen came in yesterday!!  It is great!!  I ordered her a travel coffee mug that says "World's Best Midwife" and I am going to get a few bags of coffee to go with it.  

Check back later to read more about our exciting little family!!  :D

Friday, September 19, 2014

Visit with Dr. Foland

Callen had his 2 week check up with Dr. Foland and he also had his procedure with Dr. Bryson.  Both went well.  Dr. Foland sent him home with a sticker!

She said he is making great progress and she is so happy that he is doing so well!!

Dr. Bryson said Callen didn't even cry for the procedure.  She also said he is going to be really cranky for the next 2 days but so far he has been asleep since we left their office at 1:15.  I am going to wake him up to feed him in a few minutes.  

Dr. Foland said not to take Callen out of the house for 5-6 weeks.  So I need to get a little more time off from work.  Brian is also taking a little more time off from work to help me.  

Erin and Caty are coming over tonight to bake and watch a movie with me.  Ms. Allen said I need some adult conversation so I am excited!!  

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Visit with Jenny Allen

I had my 2 week follow-up appointment with Jenny Allen this morning.  Got some "not so good" news that I pretty much knew was coming.  I have severe postpartum depression.  :(  She told me a few things that I can do to help.  She said I definitely need to ask for help when I need it and that I could use a little more adult conversation and interaction with visitors.  She also said I am going to be coming back in 2 weeks to see her again.  I need to get up every morning and get a shower before Brian leaves so that I don't go days without showering.  She also recommended Brian take off a little more time to be with me and Callen.  We'll see what happens!  So glad that I have an awesome midwife that cares so much!!  She really is the best.

Ms. Allen did give me some good news!!  First, I have a really cute kid!  :D  Second, I lost 21 of the 35 pounds I gained throughout my pregnancy.  Third, I can start coming to her for my regular "lady exams."  :)  (I asked if she did those and she does!)  So overall, this visit with Ms. Allen was great!!  She is an awesome lady!  :)

Tomorrow Callen has an appointment with Dr. Foland and Dr. Bryson.  He is going to be circumcised and have his 2 week check up.  Please pray for me that I don't cry so much tomorrow!  :(

Someone is 2 weeks old today!!!

Callen is 2 weeks old today!!  :D

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Brian thought it would be fun for Callen to do yoga before bed!

Silly Daddy!!


Callen & I are going to try to go to TV night with Nana.  Brian said he is going to meet us there after work.  We are going to stay for the first 2 shows.  Callen hasn't been sleeping at night the last few nights so I haven't had much sleep.  I just had a pretty good nap.  Callen is still sleeping.  I really needs a shower so I am going to wait for Grandma Jan to come over in a bit and take one then.

Tomorrow Callen will be 2 weeks old.  That also means that I get to go see Jenny Allen for my 2 week check up!!  YAY!!!  That is one thing that has made me really sad lately.  I was used to seeing Jenny every week for the last few months and now I am not pregnant and I don't get to see her anymore.  :(

I did clean up the kitchen a bit today.  I did the dishes because seeing dirty dishes piled up is one thing that makes me feel so gross!!  I had some lasagna for lunch (thank you Kate!!  :)  I have a little more energy today so hopefully I can get a few more things done.  I need to start a load of Callen's laundry!  Some days that kid gets 3 or 4 different outfits!!  Yesterday a poopy diaper exploded right in my lap!!  So of course the sleeper he had on was dirty!

Here is today's picture of my handsome man!!  :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

So now we are a family of three!! it's been a busy 12 days for us!!  Callen arrived on September 4, 2014 and Brian and I could not be more excited to start this next chapter of our lives!!