Red Black & White

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Guess who is 3 weeks old today????

This guy is!!!!

I can't believe it's been 3 weeks already since Callen was born.  I remember thinking about how I couldn't wait until he got here and how that was going to take FOREVER!!  Now he's here and he's already 3 weeks old!!  I wish time would just SLOW DOWN!!  :(

We had some pretty good sleep last night.  Callen woke up once to be changed and fed, then he went right back to sleep.  Those nights come and go.  Tonight will probably be a little crazier!  

After our lazy morning, Brian, Max, Callen & myself went for a walk around the neighborhood.  This was good because it helped me get out and feel a little better.  I'm still feeling very "not like myself" but hopefully it will soon pass!

Brian made chicken and rice for lunch.  He is now napping and we are going to head to his mom's in a little bit so he can help her with some yard work.  I am going to visit for a bit and then head over to Liz's parents' house for her baby shower.  Hopefully this will help get me out of my funk as well.  We'll see though!!  

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