Red Black & White

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Busy weekend!!

We've had a rather busy weekend!  Well...busy as in not having time to update the blog!  Friday we went and walked around the mall some so I could get out of the house and Brian could get a haircut.  That left us all exhausted!

Callen was knocked out for a good part of the night!  So we got some sleep.  :)

Saturday morning Brian's mom wanted to keep Callen for a little bit so she gave Brian and I some money to go to Cracker Barrel.  I didn't really want to go just because I didn't want to leave him.  I cried on the way to Cracker Barrel, ate super fast & was ready to get back to him as soon as we were finished!  I just wanted to hold my sweet boy!

He did sleep a lot Saturday during the day so....

I had a little night owl that stayed up and watched TV with me!  He did sleep some, but we were up a little before 5:00 this morning.  

Of course Callen is sleeping right now!  We went to life group this morning so that I could attempt to get back to normal life.  He was hungry right when we got in there so I fed him and he went to sleep.  He slept through the class and woke up at the end, so I changed him before I put him back in his seat to go home.  We just had Subway for lunch and he is still sleeping so I need to go pump and take a quick nap before he gets up.  Happy Sunday!!  :)

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