Red Black & White

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Callen & I are going to try to go to TV night with Nana.  Brian said he is going to meet us there after work.  We are going to stay for the first 2 shows.  Callen hasn't been sleeping at night the last few nights so I haven't had much sleep.  I just had a pretty good nap.  Callen is still sleeping.  I really needs a shower so I am going to wait for Grandma Jan to come over in a bit and take one then.

Tomorrow Callen will be 2 weeks old.  That also means that I get to go see Jenny Allen for my 2 week check up!!  YAY!!!  That is one thing that has made me really sad lately.  I was used to seeing Jenny every week for the last few months and now I am not pregnant and I don't get to see her anymore.  :(

I did clean up the kitchen a bit today.  I did the dishes because seeing dirty dishes piled up is one thing that makes me feel so gross!!  I had some lasagna for lunch (thank you Kate!!  :)  I have a little more energy today so hopefully I can get a few more things done.  I need to start a load of Callen's laundry!  Some days that kid gets 3 or 4 different outfits!!  Yesterday a poopy diaper exploded right in my lap!!  So of course the sleeper he had on was dirty!

Here is today's picture of my handsome man!!  :)

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