Red Black & White

Friday, September 19, 2014

Visit with Dr. Foland

Callen had his 2 week check up with Dr. Foland and he also had his procedure with Dr. Bryson.  Both went well.  Dr. Foland sent him home with a sticker!

She said he is making great progress and she is so happy that he is doing so well!!

Dr. Bryson said Callen didn't even cry for the procedure.  She also said he is going to be really cranky for the next 2 days but so far he has been asleep since we left their office at 1:15.  I am going to wake him up to feed him in a few minutes.  

Dr. Foland said not to take Callen out of the house for 5-6 weeks.  So I need to get a little more time off from work.  Brian is also taking a little more time off from work to help me.  

Erin and Caty are coming over tonight to bake and watch a movie with me.  Ms. Allen said I need some adult conversation so I am excited!!  

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