Red Black & White

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Yay for sleep!!!

We had a pretty good night last night!  Callen woke up twice.  We changed him and fed him.  Dr. Bryson said he'd be fussy for the next 2 days but he's been fine.  He slept most of the day yesterday.  He's been up to be changed & fed a few times this morning, but Brian has been awesome & let me sleep some while he, Callen & Max watched CSI.

I'm going to venture across Hwy 29 today to do a little grocery shopping in a bit!  We don't need too much so I won't be gone long but we are out of lasagna (thank you friends who brought that for us!) and I don't want to eat out or eat pizza anymore.  I want my normal diet again!!  :P

I am really excited because the gift I ordered for Jenny Allen came in yesterday!!  It is great!!  I ordered her a travel coffee mug that says "World's Best Midwife" and I am going to get a few bags of coffee to go with it.  

Check back later to read more about our exciting little family!!  :D

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