Red Black & White

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


It's Tuesday!!  Didn't get too much sleep last night.  It's different everyday!!  BUT, this wonderful face is what I have to look forward to each morning!

He is sleeping right now.  I am trying to get us onto a schedule and I know that is going to take time!  I'm going to try to keep track of when he eats and sleeps so that I can get an idea of what kind of schedule to get him on.  Any input is appreciated!!  :)

Brian is going to get the yard done today and I've done a little bit of laundry.  We are trying to get back into the swing of things!  I even had a cup of coffee this morning!!  I've been waiting months to break into this bag!!  :)

Brian just told me little man is up so I'm going to go check on him and I will try to be back on later!!  :)

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