Red Black & White

Monday, September 22, 2014

Let the week begin!!

It's Monday!!  Lucky for me, Brian and I are both off!!  Callen slept for a good bit last night.  He went to bed about 7:30, woke up once to eat, then didn't get up again until 5:05 when we changed and fed him.  :D  While eating he proceeded to fall asleep and didn't get up again until almost 8:00!!

He just slept on my chest for another few hours!  It was great!!  All I could do was sit & stare at him.

I laid him down in his bouncer and fell asleep for a little while, only to have Brian wake me up with breakfast in bed!!  :)

While I ate, Brian sat with Callen on the couch in our room and played with him.  It was so sweet!!  Now we are up and ready to get the day going!  We need to straighten up the house a bit, but it's not too bad!  Aunt Caty, Aunt Erin, Uncle Kyle & Noonie are probably going to come over tonight for game night and dinner.  I believe we decided on tacos!!  YUM!!  :D

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