Red Black & White

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

It's almost 2015!

Where'd the year go???  It's almost 2015!  I'm pretty horrible at this whole blogging thing, but it's ok!  Maybe eventually I will find the time to keep track of it a little more!  :P  I'm in the process of trying to get the house cleaned up!

Callen's first Christmas wasn't anything spectacular.  He's a baby, so it wasn't too big of a deal.  I have a lot of memories to show him when he's older.

Friday, December 19, 2014

It's Friday!!!

It's almost the weekend!!  Which doesn't mean anything to me!  lol  I will just find more things that I need to get done!  We finally went grocery shopping last night!  We actually have some healthy food to eat now!!  :P  I needed to go to Target last night to get Christmas gifts for Callen's teachers at the daycare.  I really needed to clean the house.  I got some of it cleaned up.  :)  So I feel a little bit better now...not as stressed out!

Callen has been eating so much lately!  I only have a few bags left in the freezer at this point, so I need to get on it & pump a few more times each day!  He's been doing really well with the rice cereal.  He's been sleeping so well that we have to wake him up sometimes!  :)

Brian's knee is still injured.  :(  He won't be working out for a while.  He can hardly move around and do anything at home or work.  Hopefully he gets better soon!

I need to go get ready for work now.  Hopefully I will get a chance to take some more pictures of my squid...he's getting so big!!  :(

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Still busy!!

It's been almost 2 weeks!  Sorry you guys!!  :(  Work has been busy, Callen's kept me busy & we're trying to get Christmas stuff together!

This weekend I left Callen overnight for the first time ever.  I wasn't gone the entire weekend, just for Friday night.  I was more worried about myself than I was Callen or Brian.  I was afraid I was going to be a bum and cry the entire time I was gone, but I managed to have a good time!  Had fun with the girls!  We're excited that Jayme is getting married soon!

We tried to get Callen in for pictures with Santa at Bass Pro Shop, but the wait was too long!  We're going to have to go another time and get in line as soon as they open.  We did have good lunch!  After leaving Bass Pro, it was dark enough for the Christmas Nights of Lights in Mobile.  It was pretty awesome!  I wanted Callen to be able to watch the light show, but he was sleeping!

Callen hit a milestone, I guess you can say.  We started him with a little bit of rice cereal before bed.  He loved it & slept from 9:00 to 6:30 last night!  We'll see if we have the same kind of luck tonight.

Brian hurt his knee while doing Strongman yesterday morning.  He is hobbling around on crutches.  He is going to get in to see Dr. Turnage as soon as he can.  It's not the knee he had surgery on, so hopefully it's not bad.  I don't want him to have two bad knees!  :(

Callen & I went over to my mom's.  We started to do some baking.  We didn't do a whole lot tonight, but I do have two tins full of cookies for Callen's teachers at daycare.  :)  Hopefully we get more baking done this week.  We'll see how everything works out.

That's all the updating I will be able to get done at the moment.  Someone is hungry!!  :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS!!! I'm beginning to think this is just going to be a weekly thing because by the time I get home & get settled down it's already 7:30!  :P

Callen is napping at the moment, which is so wonderful because he was a bit cranky ever since we left daycare.  :(  I have a load of laundry in the washer...YAY for clean clothes!!  Dinner just came out of the oven & Brian just left work.  I think after dinner we will make a pot of coffee, get some Christmas ice cream & watch a Christmas movie!!

Here are a few pictures from yesterday after we decorated our Christmas tree.

We also tried to get a few shots at the mall with Christmas scenery for our Christmas cards, but here are some more really cute pictures of Callen in some of his Christmas clothes.                                             

Hopefully Mom & I will be making Christmas cookies soon!!  I can't wait!!  Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year!!  I'm so glad I have an awesome husband and kiddo to enjoy it with!  The rest of the family is pretty awesome too!!  :P

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Getting ready for Thanksgiving!!

Here's my little turkey!!

We're having Thanksgiving at our house this year, which is very exciting!!!  It will be Callen's first Thanksgiving!!!

I love that I am going to be getting art projects for the fridge now!!  :D  Although I did freak out this morning when we were getting Callen ready for his bath!  I couldn't figure out how he got dirt under his toenails!  Later in the day I realized it was the brown paint from the art project!  lol

This past weekend, Callen went to his first birthday party!  It was a Samantha's 6th birthday and it was a girl party, but he went!  It made me thankful that I have a little boy!!  Little girls go nuts over Frozen!!!

Lately Callen has been watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Netflix in the morning.  There is only 1 episode on Netflix, so Brian and I are getting kind of tired of it, but Callen loves it!  He starts waving his arms up and down when they sing the "Hot Dog" song (when we don't have him in his "Taco Shell").

Other than that, we've just been trying to get into a routine!  It's more regular than it used to be, but it's still not rock solid!

Check back for more pictures of my little turkey from his first Thanksgiving!!  :D

Friday, November 21, 2014

My kid is awesome!

It's a quarter after 5 and my kid is awesome because he is still sleeping!!  :P  He woke up to nurse at 3:30ish but went back to sleep after about 10 minutes!  We left him in his bear suit because his humidifier and the fan in the room make it really chilly in there.

We also took some pictures yesterday because Lite Mix 99.9 has a "Santa Baby" photo contest and I submitted a picture.

He has cute Thanksgiving outfits, so I will definitely be taking lots of pictures & posting them here!  

Brian and I have both been working hard lately.  Brian has been pretty stressed over a certain file and I pray that the loan closes soon so he isn't so stressed!  :)

Other than that, not much has been going on lately!  Just trying to adjust to life as a family of 4 (can't forget Max!)  :D

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Busy, busy, busy!!

So I was thinking about how blogging is supposed to be more of a regular thing & how I'm not being very regular about it right now!  I hope everyone understands!  lol  It's been pretty busy lately!  We are pretty much in a routine now, but with Callen it can change at any moment!  Most nights he sleeps very well, waking up once to feed.  Sometimes he'll sleep from 8:00-7:00.  It just depends!

I've been working a few extra hours at work each week and trying to pump regularly to keep food for Callen on hand, so I have been a little more tired!  Everything is great & I wouldn't change it for the world!

Brian is being very helpful!  In fact, he is getting Callen as I type!  He met me at the grocery store last night so we could shop together.

I'll work on getting on here a little more, but I can't promise anything!!  We are busy!!  :D

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Busy, busy, busy week!!

We've had a very busy week!!  Last Monday was my first day back to work in 2 months.  Callen went to daycare.  Everyone said I was going to cry like a baby.  Surprisingly, I did no such thing!  I walked in, put him down, said "See you later dude!" and he just looked at me like "Whatever."  I came back to get him at noon because he had a doctors appointment, so that probably helped, but I did not cry at all!  Yay for me!!  :P

Callen is 2 months old now!!  I can't believe it!!  Time is flying by!!

Callen really seems to like daycare.  His teachers, Ms. Sherry & Ms. Jessica, are really nice and they like to spoil him!  :D  They take really good care of him too!  He gets "Tummy Time" while he's there, which is really good because we don't do it at home as much as I'd like to.

I've also been working a little more than a regular day because we are short one person on our team at work a little earlier than we expected.  But Christmas is right around the corner, so the extra money will help a lot!!  :)

Callen is getting so big!!  Brian took him out Christmas shopping with him today.  :)  I received a text with a picture of Callen being changed in the family bathroom at the mall.  I hope they're having a great day!

Callen really enjoys watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Brian is such an awesome father, that he turns on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on his phone for Callen to watch it while they sit in the bed.  :)

& he fell asleep!

He loves bedtime!!  He knows he gets a clean diaper, jammies & lotion!!  :)

He is sleeping like a champ too!!  I usually get 6-8 hours of sleep each night!  & when he does wake up, it's usually around the same time every night.  Our kid is awesome!  :P

Monday, November 3, 2014

Been Busy!!!

We had a pretty busy weekend!  We went to Kelley and Jason's on Halloween to visit & all of the ladies loved on Callen a bit...even Uncle Sean held Callen for a few minutes!  :)

Then on Saturday I started freaking out because Callen started coughing and sounded congested.  Brian & I took him to Pensacola Pediatrics over by Cordova Mall.  The doctor who was there wasn't Callen's regular doctor and said he was fine.  I wasn't convinced he was fine and decided to get a humidifier and just wait until Monday when he sees Dr. Foland.  Here's Callen showing off at the doctor's!

On Sunday we didn't go to church since Callen's breathing was still sounding congested and then Brian didn't feel good.  So I had 2 "sick" babies to take care of.  At least Max was still himself!  He loved his new Moose toy that we bought him!

Then today was my first day back to work!  I dropped Callen off at daycare with Ms. Sherry & did not even cry!!  Callen was ready to go this morning!

I picked Callen up at 12:15 for his doctor's appointment at 1:00.  Ms. Bonnie said that Ms. Sherry was carrying Callen around, showing him off all morning!  :D  Ms. Sherry said that he had a good first day and they were very impressed with how well he could hold his head up and how vocal he was!  

Callen was excited to see Dr. Foland.  He likes her a lot!!  He's also grown a lot!  He weighs 10 pounds, 12.6 ounces and is 22 1/2 inches long.  

He got his vaccinations done today.  He didn't like that too much but he was ok after a few minutes.  Our next appointment is our 4 month check up in January!  :D

After we left Dr. Foland's office, we stopped at Advanced Women's Care to see Brandy and pick up the Ohio State Scentsy warmer I ordered!  :D  Now we are home, Callen's napping, Brian is napping & I am going to go take a nap as well in a few minutes!!  :)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

8 weeks old today!!!

This sweet boy is 8 weeks old today!!  Time is flying by!!  :(

I have to go back to work on Monday.  I am ready but I'm not.  Who would want to leave this sweet face?!

We have a semi-busy day ahead!  I have therapy at 10:00 and then we are going to go over to see Tabitha & Garrett this afternoon for a walk.  Later we are heading to Nana's house to take the other bouncer chair we just bought so we have one at her house.  

Here's the face Callen made when I said "We are going to Nana's!"

Early morning photos!!


Cute little Thanksgiving outfit I found!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Happy Tuesday!!

We're off to a great start this morning!!  Callen fell asleep last night in his car seat on the way home from Suzie's house, so I just unbuckled him and put his car seat in the pack n play when we went to bed.  He slept until 3:30 this morning!!  Got him up, changed him, nursed him & had snuggle time for the next few hours.  Every time I would give him to Brian, I would get him back about 10-15 minutes later because he would be hungry again!  He ate three times between 3:30 & 8:00!  & when he would eat, he would sound like I haven't fed him in days!!  He would nurse for at least half an hour, sometimes a little longer.  He is sleeping in his bouncer right now.  :)

Since Callen is sleeping, I am getting a chance to straighten up a little and to update the blog.  I am working on getting all of the paper and mail organized/thrown away.  That is the bulk of what keeps our house looking crazy right now...all the junk mail on the table and counters!  I've also done the dishes and a little laundry.  I am going to work on getting the living room completely presentable next!  I also need to call Baptist and give them the new insurance information for the few medical bills we've received since Callen was born.

Here's a few pictures of my happy baby from this morning!!

And of course the sweet morning snuggle picture!  (Those are my favorite!!)

Monday, October 27, 2014

Great week ahead!!

It's my last week of maternity leave, so I am going to enjoy every second of it!!  I feel really accomplished today!  I took some of the supplies Callen will need up to Gonzalez Baptist Church for daycare.  He was able to meet his teachers, Ms. Sherry & Ms. Jessica.  I'm really excited that I found a place that is close to home and I know will take great care of Callen while Brian and I are at work.  :)

Callen and I also went to game night at Noonie's (Suzie).  We had Mexican for dinner and played Mario World on the Wii.  Then we came home and I realized that I was missing NCIS Los Angeles so Brian said we can watch it on when it gets there.  :)

Weekend fun!!

We had a pretty great weekend!  We didn't do much, but it was still pretty great!!

Saturday morning, Callen, my mom & I walked the Breast Cancer Walk around Cordova Mall.  It was a lot of fun & good exercise for us!!


We also visited Maw Maw & Paw Paw for a little while on Saturday.  Callen loves football!!!

We also we to our Life Group Social at Matthew and Kate's house.  We had stew and other goodies, watched football, & were going to carve pumpkins, but Brian, Callen & I left early because Callen was being a "Grumpkin"!  :)

Then we went to church Sunday morning and had a nice afternoon with Jamie and Ms. Jan.  

Callen & I went to bed around 9:30 yesterday and he woke up at 3:40 to nurse...then went back to sleep for a few hours.  :)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Getting things done!

Lucky for me Callen wanted to nap today!!  I have done the dishes and 3 loads of laundry!!  YAY!!  I also cooked a mid-morning snack/early lunch.  I think I am going to cook some chicken in a bit before I head to Target.  Brian wants me to get him a picture frame for his desk.  He wants to put a picture of Callen in it.  :D

I am trying to eat more because I don't want my milk supply to be skimpy.  Apparently several people have told me I need to eat more and I just don't remember this.  :/

Earlier, Callen had some tummy time on the couch next to me so he could work on building his neck muscles and such!  He's doing a great job!!  He's getting so strong!!

7 weeks old today!!

Someone is 7 weeks old today!!  Here are some silly pictures from this morning while we were chilling in the bed!

This was mid-sneeze!  :P

I can't believe he is already 7 weeks old!  :(  Time is flying by!!  In a little over a week he will be 2 months old and I will have to go back to work!  It's a sad, but good thing too.  I'm ready to get a normal routine down!  :)